We are offering this in a group format in July. Click the link for more information then call our office to reserve your spot today!
What is the Managing Frustration for Children program?
Children with ADHD and other conditions with executive functioning struggles often have difficulty managing frustration and coping with negative emotions. Children with poor frustration tolerance may have:
○ Trouble behaving at home and/or school
○ Trouble getting along with other kids
○ Difficulty completing homework or other school tasks
○ Tantrums, ‘Meltdowns,’ or ‘Explosions’
This program teaches children and their parents to recognize, understand, and cope with frustration, anger, and other negative feelings in a supportive environment. The program has been shown by research to help children better cope with anger and frustration.
What skills are taught by the Managing Frustration for Children group treatment?
○ Managing frustration
○ Coping with negative feelings
○ Reducing “outbursts”
○ Recognizing and reducing anger
○ Problem solving
○ Reducing “black and white” thinking
○ Understanding the thoughts and situations that create frustration
How is the Managing Frustration for Children program taught?
○ This program is offered in an individual program. If there is enough interest, it can be offered in a small group format as well.
○ There are a total of 12 skills sessions in this program. Some kids will need more than one session to master some skills. Parents are encouraged to learn the skills and children receive an at-home practice assignment each session.
○ Parents are typically not in the room with the children for most of the session but do receive a brief review and handouts each week describing the skills.